ROle Models

Lara Ayris correct.png


Job Title: Managing Director of WPS Compliance Consulting Ltd

Disability: Autistic and Irlen Syndrome

Why did you want to work in STEM?

I fell in love with environmental science when I was a teenager, wanting to make a difference to our beautiful planet.  I enjoy my job, basically I am helping people achieve their goals through environmental legislation and best practice. I have created my job, therefore I have a lot of control over my days.  I do struggle with many aspects of my job, socialising and interacting to the level I need to with my job however I am surrounded by a small team of people who understand my needs and my coping strategies which is key.   

What are your top tips for a disabled young person interested in STEM as a career?

Learn what help is out there, have people that you trust by your side and ensure your employer knows what help you are entitled to, to help. There are many diverse opportunities out there so don't think for a minute you won't find something you enjoy.